71. What is the maximum speed of a train while view is obstructed due to thick and foggy weather?
72. By whom the rear portion of train left behind in block section protected?
73. The senior most ________ officer is personally responsible for ensuring and efficient handing of cranes and removal of wreckage after accident.
74. Besides Mahrashtra, Karnataka and Goa, which of the following is the fourth State for Konkan Railway Project?
75. How much minimum BP pressure is reduce to require to apply brake in a goods train?
76. WTT will be issued ________.
77. In TALQ signalling system, ________ signal will be treated as defective if home signal becomes defective.
78. For which time Guard rough journal must be kept safe?
79. Where is the headquarters of Central Railway situated?
80. Under approved special instructions, Distant signal can be placed along with the
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