31. When ISMD attached train is allowed to run through on PF line the speed must be
32. Which authority shall be issued to pass a starter signal during advanced starter single is failed and starter is interlocked with Ad. Starter at a station equipped with single line token less block?
33. During Thick or Foggy weather, 2 Detonators must be placed in rear of Engineering indicator at
34. Competency certificate of the gateman of interlocked engineering gate is issued by
35. Competency certificate of the gateman of interlocked engineering gate is signed by
36. Staff of ________ department shall protect the material train while working in block section.
37. Hand shunting speed is ________
38. During power failure in automatic block section, on which authority relief engine will proceed?
39. Night duty should not normally be performed by the running staff for more than ________ nights at a stretch.
40. Intermediate Block home will be provided only on ________ Line.
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