41. Form number of disconnection and reconnection is ________.
42. when form T/D 912 is issued the driver shall not exceed the speed
43. Shunting speed of 5 box wagons is ________ km/h.
44. When the train is stopped at FSS for more than ________ minutes, the Driver must send his assistant to station after consulting with guard.
45. What is the maximum speed over facing point in non-interlocked station?
46. What will be the maximum speed in Loop Line at B-Class standard-III interlocked station?
47. What is the length of North-Eastern Frontier Railway (NFR)?
48. What is shunting order number?
49. The speed of Motor Trolly over points and crossings is
50. At Terminal yards where the signal overlap is zero, the speed over facing points is ________ kmph
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