31. The battle of Plassey was fought between
32. Jyotiba Phule was one of the prominent __________ of the 19th century India
33. Who was the National leader who wrote History of India on the walls of the Andaman Cellular Jail?
34. Who designated the administrative head of the district as Collector?
35. Who had set up the Anti-Untouchability League for the eradication of the evil of untouchability?
36. Who was given the title of "The Ambassador of Hindu - Muslim Unity" for being the architect and mastermind of the historic Lucknow Pact?
37. The main founder (s) of the Swaraj Party was/were
38. As per Pitt's India Act the Committee of Secrecy would consist of three members of __________
39. Who of the following has the distinction of having Authored the National Anthems of two countries of the world?
40. Who had first sought the legalisation of widow remarriage in India?
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