41. Who among the following had been a high court judge, an economist, a social reformer, among the founders or the INC, besides being regarded by A O Hume as his political guru?
42. __________co-edited 'the National Reformer' with Charles Bradlaugh and wrote many political and free-thought books and pamphlets from 1874-88
43. Which among the following is correctly matched?
44. Which of the following is correctly matched?
45. The Home Rule League was started by
46. The Simon Commission was formed to review
47. Assertion (A): English was taken as the medium of instruction in India by the William Bentinck.
Reason (R): William Bentinck wanted to promote western culture in India
Reason (R): William Bentinck wanted to promote western culture in India
48. Rowlatt after whom Rowlatt Act was named was a
49. In which of the following system of land settlement adopted by the English did provide more protection
to the interest of farmers?
50. Swami Vivekananda was born in an affluent family in __________ on 12 January 1863
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