In cases of withdrawal of suit by the plaintiff, under Order XXIII, Rule 1A of Code of Civil Procedure

Under section 100A of the Code of Civil Procedure, where any appeal from an original or appellate decree or order is heard and decided by a single judge of a High Court:

Point out the correct Answer:
Under Civil Procedure Code where any party dies after conclusion and before pronouncement of judgement

The duration of existence of a Caveat filed under Code of Civil Procedure 1908 is

No suit against the Govemment or Public Officer shall be instituted until expiration of . . . . . . . . period next after notice in writing has been delivered

Under Section 2(5) of Code of Civil Procedure, two conditions must be satisfied to bring a court within the definition of a foreign court:

For the purpose of section 39 of Code of Civil Procedure the court is of competent jurisdiction, if at the time of making the application for transfer of decree to it, such court would have jurisdiction to try the suit