41. An application for review of judgment would lie only when:
42. What is maximum time granted to court by Code of Civil Procedure to draw up a decree after pronouncing judgment?
43. In a suit for recovery of possession by the Government who will sign the plaint?
44. Which of the following is incorrect
45. Imposition of costs under section 35B of Code of Civil Procedure is
46. A decree against Government of India or State Government shall not be executed unless it remains unsatisfied for the period of
47. Order XVII, Rule 3 of Code of Civil Procedure applies
48. In a suit under Order XXXVII Code of Civil Procedure, the Court grants the Defendant conditional leave to defend subject to the defendant securing the suit amount by way of Bank Guarantee. The Defendant fails to furnish the Bank Guarantee in the prescribed period. The Court shall
49. Which of the deals with enforcement of decree against legal representative in the Code of Civil Procedure?
50. Civil Procedure Code - Which one of the following is correct?
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Each Section contains maximum 100 MCQs question on Code of Civil Procedure. To get more questions visit other sections.
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 1
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 2
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 3
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 4
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 5
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 6
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 7
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 8
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 9
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 10
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 11
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 12
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 13
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 14
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 15
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 17
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 18
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 19
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 20
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 21