71. A suit under Order XXXVII of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, can be filed on the basis of
72. Which of the following deals with the power of Court to record admission in the Code of Civil Procedure?
73. A 'next friend' or guardian, under Order XXXII, Rule 7 of Code of Civil Procedure
74. If the court refers parties to the suit for settlement of dispute under Section 89 of the Civil Procedure Code, the plaintiff is:
75. Legal provision for restoring to a party on the modification, variation or reversal of a decree what has been, lost to him in execution of decree or in direct consequence of decree is
76. In which of the following are provisions relating to Injunction mentioned?
77. An ex parte decree passed by Court 'A' was transferred to Court 'B' for execution and which execution proceedings are pending in Court 'B'. Court 'A' aside the ex parte decree and on re-hearing, a fresh decree was passed on the same terms.
78. When a suit is dismissed under Order IX, Rule 2 or under Order IX, Rule 3 of Code of Civil Procedure, a fresh suit under Order IX, Rule 4 of Code of Civil Procedure, the same cause of action is
79. Written statement may be filed from the date of summons within
80. The general power of transferring suits under Section 24 of Code of Civil Procedure lies with
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Each Section contains maximum 100 MCQs question on Code of Civil Procedure. To get more questions visit other sections.
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 1
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 2
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 3
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 4
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 5
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 6
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 7
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 8
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 9
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 10
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 11
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 12
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 13
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 14
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 15
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 17
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 18
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 19
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 20
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 21