81. Affidavits to be filed in a Court can be
82. Which provision deals with determination of questions relating to discharge, satisfaction etc. of the decree?
83. Any party to the suit, for the purposes of the suit only, under Order XII, Rule 4 of Code of Civil Procedure
84. The words 'any director' in Order 29, Rule 3 means:
85. Decision on question of limitation
86. Summons to the defendant under Order V, Rule 9(1) of Code of Civil Procedure, can be delivered for the purposes of serving the same on the defendant, to a courier services as
87. Code of Civil Procedure: The judgment of the First Appellate Court shall be in writing and shall state
88. If suit filed for injunction restrains from interfering with peaceful possession of property and amendment sought at the stage of cross-examination is contradictory with original pleadings, it would nullify advantage already accrued to plaintiff and prayer for amendment of written statement . . . . . . . .
89. The period of limitation for filing revision petition to the High Court under section 115 of the Code of Civil Procedure is
90. Decree-holder is:
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Each Section contains maximum 100 MCQs question on Code of Civil Procedure. To get more questions visit other sections.
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 1
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 2
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 3
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 4
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 5
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 6
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 7
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 8
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 9
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 10
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 11
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 12
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 13
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 14
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 15
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 17
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 18
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 19
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 20
- Code of Civil Procedure - Section 21