Which of the following deals with summons to order defendant to produce documents relied on by him in the Code of Civil Procedure?

A suit may be dismissed under Order 9 of Code of Civil Procedure, 1908:
1. Where the summons is not served upon the defendant in consequence of the plaintiffs failure to pay costs for service of summons.
2. Where neither the plaintiff nor the defendant appears.
3. Where plaintiff, after summons returned unserved, fails for 7 days to apply for fresh summons.
4. Where on the date fixed for hearing in a suit only defendant appears and he does not admit the plaintiffs claim.

A review petition is maintainable where:

If the plaintiff wants to withdraw the suit, then

Under which provision of Code of Civil Procedure a plaint is rejected by the Courts in the absence of cause of action

"Jurisdiction of civil court is not excluded in respect of adoption. The question regarding adoption involves declaration as to status/character of person can be decided only by civil court." This was held by the Supreme Court of India in:

Multifariousness in a suit results due to