81. Maintenance pendente lite and litigation expenses once fixed
82. Under the Hindu law degrees of prohibited relationship include relationship by
83. Give the Incorrect Response:
84. Ancient sources of Hindu law are:
85. Which one of the following provisions of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 relates with the grounds of divorce exclusively for wife?
86. According to the Dayabhaga law
87. The prohibition of Sapinda marriage is based on the rule of:
88. The propositions are
1. A wife can adopt to her husband
2. A mother can adopt to her son
3. A sister can adopt to her brother
Which of the following combination is correct in respect of the said proposition
1. A wife can adopt to her husband
2. A mother can adopt to her son
3. A sister can adopt to her brother
Which of the following combination is correct in respect of the said proposition
89. Section 18(2) of Hindu Adoptions & Maintenance Act, 1956, provides for separate residence and maintenance to a wife if the husband
90. Transaction to be regarded as for the benefit of the estate need not be of a defensive character, held by the Supreme Court in
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