11. Hanooman Prasad v. Musammat Bibi is a case on-
12. In a case of bigamous marriage, the second wife
13. Which of the following is not a ground for declaring a marriage void under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955?
14. Match the following:-
List I
List II
a. Marriage between parties within degrees of degrees of prohibited relationship
1. Voidable
b. Impotency
2. Void
c. Marriage between two spindas of each other
3. Voidable
d. Pregnancy of wife at the time of marriage by some person other than the husband
4. Void
List I | List II |
a. Marriage between parties within degrees of degrees of prohibited relationship | 1. Voidable |
b. Impotency | 2. Void |
c. Marriage between two spindas of each other | 3. Voidable |
d. Pregnancy of wife at the time of marriage by some person other than the husband | 4. Void |
15. Under section 25 of Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 the court has the power to grant a
16. Widow of a pre-deceased son can claim maintenance from her father-in-law if she has no earnings and property and is also unable to obtain maintenance
17. The right under section 13(2)(i) of Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 is available to the petitioner wife
18. In which section of the Hindu Succession Act, 1956 the Law of Mitakshara has been incorporated:
19. A marriage solemnized between any two Hindus, who are Saindas of each other shall be valid, if
20. Section 19 of Hindu Succession Act, 1956 provides that if two or more heirs succeed together to the property of an intestate, they shall take the property
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