91. In case of John Vallattom v. Union of India, (2003), the Supreme Court discussed the constitutionality of section 118 of the Indian Succession Act, 1925 in the light of
92. A marriage under Sec. 11 of Hindu Marriage Act can be declared void if:
93. Sodomy is a ground for divorce under the-
94. Liability of the son under the doctrine of pious obligation, depends upon
95. Give Correct Response
96. An adoption, in breach of an agreement not to adopt, by a person having the capacity and right to adopt, is
97. The general rules of succession of a Hindu male dying intestate are contained in
98. An adoption made by a Hindu male without the consent of his wife is
99. For declaration of marriage as void, petition may be presented under Section 11 of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 by
100. The obligation of the husband to maintain his wife is
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