81. As compared to public issues, interest premiums on privately placed issues overtime have
82. Price of treasury notes and treasury bonds without including accrued interest is classified as
83. Type of bonds which is fully backed by credit and faith of issuer is classified as
84. Single bid auction of TIPS securities means that all bidders
85. Call premium is added to face value of bond to calculate
86. Investors who want cash flows in near terms shows preference for
87. Liquidity status of certificate of deposit which is more negotiable is considered as
88. Commercial paper issued with low interest rate thus commercial paper are categorized as
89. Maximum maturity days of holding commercial paper are
90. In borrowing and lending of federal funds, federal funds rate is result of function between
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- International Finance and Treasury - Section 1
- International Finance and Treasury - Section 2
- International Finance and Treasury - Section 3
- International Finance and Treasury - Section 5
- International Finance and Treasury - Section 6
- International Finance and Treasury - Section 7
- International Finance and Treasury - Section 8
- International Finance and Treasury - Section 9