61. Reasons for smaller exposure of foreign exchange than US money center are
62. In equilibrium position, spread between foreign and domestic rate of interest must be equal to spread of
63. In United States, JPMorgan Chase is considered as
64. Theory which considers change in exchange rate with fluctuations in inflation rates is classified as
65. Inflation rate in United States is added into real rate of interest to calculate
66. Position which came in to existence because of holding assets more than liabilities is considered as
67. Commercial mortgages, farm mortgages and home mortgages are categories of
68. Primary mortgages involves
69. Ownership of mortgaged property will be transferred to financial institution if
70. Loan which is made available for businesses or individuals to buy land, home or other property is classified as
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- International Finance and Treasury - Section 1
- International Finance and Treasury - Section 2
- International Finance and Treasury - Section 3
- International Finance and Treasury - Section 4
- International Finance and Treasury - Section 5
- International Finance and Treasury - Section 6
- International Finance and Treasury - Section 8
- International Finance and Treasury - Section 9