Cash flows method, used by net present value method and internal rate of return are

Working capital cash outflow, cash outflow to buy machine and cash inflow from machine are examples of

Decrease in purchasing power of any monetary unit such as euro, dollars etc. is classified as

If actual price input is $700, budgeted price of input is $400 and actual quantity of input is 50 units, then price variance will be

If actual input price is $150 and budgeted input price is $80, then price variance will be

Standard input allows one unit, to be divided by standard cost per output unit for variable direct cost input, to calculate

Consideration of decreased operating income relative to budgeted amount in static budget is classified as

If flexible budget variance is $105000, actual cost is $65000 then flexible budget cost will be

An actual input quantity is 200 units and budgeted input quantity is 50 units, then efficiency variance will be

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