In static budget, difference between corresponding budgeted amount and actual result is called

An analysis and reporting of revenues earned, and incurred costs to earn these revenues from customers is classified as

Cost of particular cost object which cannot be traced in economically plausible way is termed as

Division of all costs related to customers on basis of different cost allocation bases or cost drivers is called

In customer cost hierarchy, costs of all incurred activities to sell a unit of product are classified as

Which of following do not include among major categories of corporate costs?

In customer cost hierarchy, costs of those activities that cannot be traced to distribution channels or individual customers are called

If an actual result in static budget is $2500 and corresponding budgeted amount is $2200, then static budget variance will be

In customer cost hierarchy, costs of individual customer support activities are classified as

Pricing method used by services companies, such as home repair services, architectural firms and automobile repair services is known as

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