71. Gross margin is added to cost of sold goods to calculate
72. Type of distribution, which describes whether events to be occurred are mutually exclusive or collectively exhaustive can be classified as
73. Fixed cost is divided by break-even revenues to calculate
74. If gross margin is $2000 and revenue is $5000, then cost of goods sold would be
75. Fixed cost is added to target operating income and then divided to contribute margin per unit to calculate
76. Contribution margin is $34000 and operating income is $12000, then degree of operating leverage will be
77. If budgeted sales in unit is 50 and breakeven sales in unit is 12, then margin of safety in units will be
78. Type of distribution, which consists of alternative outcomes and probabilities of events is classified as
79. An effect of fixed cost to change in operating income is classified as
80. Target operating income is multiplied to tax rate and then subtracted from target operating income to calculate
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