41. Practice by seller of offering same product at different prices, to different customers is known as
42. Total cost incur by customer to use, acquire, maintain and dispose service or product is classified as
43. If cost is eliminated, then reducing perceived usefulness that customers can obtain by using market offering will come under
44. If total production is 25000 units and target annual operating income is $300000 then target operating income per unit would be
45. Costs that are planned in future and has not been incurred are known as
46. Target annual operating income is divided with invested capital to calculate
47. A technique, which accumulates and tracks costs of business function in value chain attributed to each market offering from R&D to final customer support, is called
48. If cost base is $350 and markup component is 11% then prospective selling price will be
49. An estimated price, which is expected to be paid by customers for particular market offering is classified as
50. An insensitivity of demand in relevance to change in price will be called
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