The role of marketing in modern organisation is - with marketing offers to lend a competitive edge and marketing tasks to match the demand and supply

Which of the following statement is true?

What is true about on-line marketing?

Which one of the following refers to the use of online and offiine promotion techniques to increase the audience of a site?

"The marketing concept is a customer orientation backed by integrated marketing aimed at generating customer satisfaction as the key to satisfying organisational goals." Who said it?

According to the simple five-step model of the marketing process, a company needs to . . . . . . . . before designing a customer-driven marketing strategy.

The following are the statements relating to the new product development. Indicate the statements being correct or incorrect.
Statement I Most established companies do not focus on incremental innovation for new product development.
Statement II Most established companies enter new markets by tweaking products for new customers.

Using the Power of on-line networks, computer communications and digital interactive media to achieve marketing and business objectives, is called

Which of the following is correct for sales promotion?

After determinmg its pricing objectives, what is the next logical step a company should take in setting its pricing policy?

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