51. Match the following:
a. Vivekananda
1. Ananda as Spiritual
b. Sri Aurobindo
2. Ananda as God
c. Tagore
3. Ananda as Love
d. Iqbal
4. Ananda as Delight
List-I | List-II |
a. Vivekananda | 1. Ananda as Spiritual |
b. Sri Aurobindo | 2. Ananda as God |
c. Tagore | 3. Ananda as Love |
d. Iqbal | 4. Ananda as Delight |
52. According to Sri Aurobindo, supermind belongs to
53. When did Gandhi use his Satyagraha technique for the first time?
54. According to Radhakrishnan, God can known through
55. According to Krishnamurti, what does the extension of self referred as
56. According to Deendayal Upadhyaya which of the following Purusharthas is regarded as highest among all?
57. Which one of the following holds that "The region of negation is the region of the indefinite"?
58. Which one of the following is not accepted by Ambedkar?
59. According to Bhattacharya, study of philosophy referred as
60. Radhakrishnan believes in which among the following?
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