71. What is the term used for the limitation of freedom by Sartre?
72. Who inspired Husserl in forming his notion of phenomenology?
73. Who proclaimed that 'man is condemned to be free'?
74. Dread reveals . . . . . . . . according to Heidegger.
75. In the light of Husserl's thought what is said to be the meaning of the phrase "Philosophy begins in absolute poverty."?
76. The term existence and freedom are identical to Sartre. Is it correct to say this? .
77. Consider the following statements in the light of Schleiermacher's Theory of Hermeneutics.
1. Problem of interpretation is the problem of understanding.
2. Hermeneutics is an art of avoiding misunderstanding.
3. Extended the domain of Hermeneutics from deciphering sacred texts to all human texts and modes.
1. Problem of interpretation is the problem of understanding.
2. Hermeneutics is an art of avoiding misunderstanding.
3. Extended the domain of Hermeneutics from deciphering sacred texts to all human texts and modes.
78. Consider the following statements in the light of Nietzsche's 'Will to Power' and choose the correct answer.
79. What is the main target of Nietzsche in critiquing enlightenment?
80. What is the principle that establishes the relation of man as being in the world?
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