51. According to whom, the liberated self is a bhakta?
52. According to Ramanuja, the word 'nirguna' means
53. Who among the following states that 'the Brahman is regarded as one and only one reality'?
54. According to Shankara, the Jagat looses its vyavaharikasatta when we have the realisation of
55. According to Ramanuja all apprehension is regarded as
56. What does Madhva concept of Brahman?
57. What does the Apparent existence include according Shankara?
58. "The entire universe is included in the material world and the individual soul and these two things are regarded as a real modification of Brahman" is known as
59. According to Ramanuja, Aprthaksiddhi emphasises on
60. Consider the following statement Bound souls means.
1. Souls which wanders in Sainsara
2. Souls which don't wander Sainsara
3. Souls which does not exist because of ignorance
4. Souls which exist because of lgnorance
Select the correct answer:
1. Souls which wanders in Sainsara
2. Souls which don't wander Sainsara
3. Souls which does not exist because of ignorance
4. Souls which exist because of lgnorance
Select the correct answer:
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