Match the following columns:
Column I (Fruits) Column II (Edible portion)
a. Custard apple 1. Mesocarp
b. Plum 2. Bract, perianth and seed
c. Papaya 3. Fleshy pericarp
d. Jackfruit 4. Mesocarp with epicarp

Match the following Columns:
Column I (Product) Column II (TSS%)
a. Preserve 1. 65% TSS
b. Marmalade 2. 68% TSS
c. Squash 3. 40 - 50% TSS
d. Ketchup 4. 28% TSS

. . . . . . . . is one who has received specialized training in the field in which he work as full time and paid for his work.

Match the following columns:
Column I Column II
a. Jamun 1. Myrtaceae
b. Lemon 2. Rutaceae
c. Phalsa 3. Tiliaceae
d. Papaya 4. Caricaceae

Match the following columns:
Column I Column II
a. Apple 1. Malic acid
b. Blue berry 2. Quinic acid
c. Rasp berry 3. Citric acid
d. Grasp 4. Tartaric acid