Match the following columns
Column I (Parameter) Column II (Value)
a. Probability 1. ±1
b. Range of t-test 2. 0 - 1
c. Correlation coefficient 3. Change in y due to change in x
d. Regression coefficient 4. -1 and infinity

Match the following columns
Column I Column II
a. A time series consists of data 1. Arranged chronologically
b. The equation of the Gompertz curve is of the form 2. y = Kabx
c. The technique of estimating a past figure is termed as 3. Interpolation
d. (y − 1)3 4. y2 − 3y2 3y1 − y0

Match the following columns
Column I (Programme) Column II (Worker)
a. Indian village service 1. S. K. Dubey
b. Etawah pilot project 2. Spencer Hatch
c. Nilokheri project 3. W. H. Wisher
d. Marthandom project 4. Albert Mayer

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