The area of a triangle is equal to the area of a square whose each side is 60 metres. The height of the triangle is 90 metres. The base of the triangle will be :

If an angle of a triangle remains unchanged but each of its two including sides is doubled, then by what factor does the area get multiplied ?

A cow is tethered in the middle of a field with a 14 feet long rope. If the cow grazes 100 sq.ft per day, they approximately what time will be taken by the cow to graze the whole field ?

The circumference of a circle is equal to the side of a square whose area measures 407044 sq.cm. What is the area of the circle ?

The circumferences of the front and rear wheels of a bicycle are 3.5 m and 3 m respectively. If the vehicle is moving at a speed of 15 m/sec, the shortest time in which both the wheels will make a whole number of turns is :

The area of the shaded region in the adjoining figure is
Area mcq question image

The area of a circle inscribed in an equilateral triangle is 154 cm2. Find the perimeter of the triangle :

In order to reach his office on time, Mr. Roy goes through the middle passage of a round fort which he takes 14 minutes to pass through. However, on a certain day, due to repairs, the straight road being blocked, he had to take the roundabout way as a result of which he reached his office late. How late was he ?

A boundary wall around a rectangular plot is constructed at a total cost of Rs. 46000 at the rate of Rs. 200 per metre. What is the area of the plot if the respective ratio between the breadth and the length of the plot is 10 : 13 ? (in sq. metre)

A rectangle of certain dimension is chopped off from one corner of a larger rectangle as shown. AB = 8 cm and BC = 4 cm. The perimeter of the figure ABCPQRA (in cm) is :
Area mcq question image

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