If the area of the trapezium whose parallel sides are 6 cm and 10 cm is 32 sq. cm, then the distance between the parallel sides is :

The radius of a circle is 20% more than the height of a right-angled triangle. The base of the triangle is 36 cm. If the area of triangle and circle be equal, what will be area of circle ?

The radius of the wheel of a vehicle is 70 cm. The wheel makes 10 revolutions in 5 seconds. The speed of the vehicle is :

The ratio of the outer and the inner perimeters of a circular path is 23 : 22. If the path is 5 metres wide, the diameter of the inner circle is :

The circumference of a circle is 100 cm. The side of a square inscribed in the circle is :

If the radius of a circle is increased by 200%, then its area will increase by :

The area of a circle whose radius is the diagonal of a square whose area is 4 sq. units is :

The circumference of a circle is 10% more than the perimeter of a square. If the difference between the area of the circle and that of the square is 216 cm2, how much does the diagonal of the square measure ?

A piece of wire when bent to from a circle will have a radius of 84 cm. If the wire is bent to form a square, the length of a side of the square is :

A carpenter is designing a table. The table will be in the form of a rectangle whose length is 4 feet more than its width. How long should the table be if the carpenter wants the area of the table to be 45 sq. ft ?

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