The area of a rhombus with side 13 cm and one diagonal 10 cm will be :

The length of a rectangular blackboard is 8 m more than its breadth. If its length is increased by 7 m and its breadth is decreased by 4 m, its area remains unchanged. The length and breadth of the rectangular blackboard is :

A rectangular lawn 80 metres by 60 metres has two roads each 10 m wide running in the middle of it, one parallel to the length and the other parallel to the breadth. Find the cost of gravelling them at Rs. 30 per square metre.

Three plots having areas 110, 130 and 190 square metres are to be subdivided into flower beds of equal size. If the breadth of a bed is 2 metres, the maximum length of a bed van be :

If the sides of a square be double find the increase of percentage in area :

A hall, whose length is 16 m and the breadth is twice its height, takes 168 m of paper with 2 m as its width to cover its four walls. The area of the floor is :

In a triangle ABC, a line XY is drawn parallel to BC meeting AB in X and AC in Y. The area of the triangle AXY is half of the area of the triangle ABC. XY divides AB in the ratio of :

If an equilateral triangle of area X and a square of area Y have the same perimeter, then X is :

A hall 50 m long and 45 m broad is to be paved with square tiles. Find the largest tile as well as its number in the given options so that the tiles exactly fit in the hall :

A rectangular farm has to be fenced on one long side, one short side and the diagonal. If the cost of fencing is Rs. 100 per m, the area of the farm is 1200 m2 and the short side is 30 m long, how much would the job cost ?

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