ABCD is a rectangle and E and F are the mid-points of AD and DC respectively. Then the ratio of the areas of EDF and AEFC would be :

A circular pond has area equal to 616 m2. A circular stage is made at the centre of the pond whose radius is equal to half the radius of the pond. What is the area where water is present ?

Wheels of diameters 7 cm and 14 cm start rolling simultaneously from X and Y, which are 1980 cm apart, towards each other in opposite directions. Both of them make the same number of revolutions per second. If both of them meet after 10 seconds, the speed of the smaller wheel is :

The area of a circle is increased by 22 sq. cm if its radius is increased by 1 cm. The original radius of the circle is :

A circle is circumscribed around a square as shown in the figure. The area of one of the four shaded portions is equal to $$\frac{4}{7}$$. The radius of the circle is :
Area mcq question image

If the circumference of a circle is increased by 20%, what will be the effect on the circle ?

The ratio of circumference and diameter of a circle is 22 : 7. If the circumference be $$1\frac{4}{7}$$ m, then the radius of the circle is :

The perimeter of a square and a regular hexagon are equal. The ratio of the area of the hexagon to the area of the square is :

The perimeter of a rectangular field is 480 metres and the ratio between the length and the breadth is 5 : 3. The area is :

The area of a grassy plot is 480 sq. m. If each side had been 5 m longer, the area would have been increased by 245 sq. m. Find the length of the fence to surround it.

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