There are 4 semi-circular gardens on each side of a square-shaped pond with each side 21 m. The cost of fencing the entire plot at the rate of Rs. 12.50 per metre is :

A farmer wishes to start a 100 sq.m rectangular vegetable garden. Since he has only 30 m barbed wire, he fences three sides of the garden letting his house compound wall act as the fourth side fencing. The dimension of the garden is :

Two sides of a rectangle were measured. One of the sides (length) was measured 10% more than its actual length and the other side (width) was measured 5% less than its actual length. The percentage error in measure obtained for the area of the rectangle is :

The area of a square is three-fifths the area of a rectangle. The length of the rectangle is 25 cm and its breadth is 10 cm less than its length. What is the perimeter of the square ?

The area of a rectangle is thrice that of a square. If the length of the rectangle is 40 cm and its breadth is $$\frac{3}{2}$$ times that of the side pf the square, then the side if the square is :

A rectangle becomes a square when its length is reduced by 10 units and its breadth is increased by 5 units. but by this process the area of the rectangle is reduced by 210 sq.units. The area of the rectangle (A) in square units is :

The ratio of the areas of a square of side 6 cm and an equilateral triangle of side 6 cm is :

One side of a right-angled triangle is twice the other, and the hypotenuse is 10 cm. The area of the triangle is :

The area of a right-angled triangle is 20 sq.cm and one of the sides containing the right angle is 4 cm. The altitude on the hypotenuse is :

If every side of a triangle is doubled, the area of the new triangle is K times the area of the old one. K is equal to :

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