A towel, when bleached, was found to have lost 20% of its length and 10% of its breadth. The percentage of decrease in area is :

ABCD is a square and AEFG is a rectangle. Area of each of them is 36 sq.m. E is the mid-point of AB. The perimeter of the rectangle AEFG is :
Area mcq question image

If the length of diagonal AC of a square ABCD is 5.2 cm, then the area of the square is :

The areas of a square and a rectangle are equal. The length of the rectangle is greater than the length of any side of the square by 5 cm and the breadth is less by 3 cm. Find the perimeter of the rectangle ?

What is the area of the given figure ?
Area mcq question image

The base and altitude of a right-angled triangle are 12 cm and 5 cm respectively. The perpendicular distance of its hypotenuse from the opposite vertex is :

A circle and a rectangle have the same perimeter. The sides of the rectangle are 18 cm and 26 cm. What is the area of the circle ?

If the ratio between the areas of two circles is 4 : 1 then the ratio between their radii will be ?

The circumference of the back-sided wheel of a vehicle is 1 m greater than that of front side wheel. To travel 600 m, the front wheel rotates 30 times more than the back wheel. The circumference of the front wheel is :

A square is inscribed in a circle and another in a semi-circle of same radius. The ratio of the area of the first square to the area of the second square is :

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