The average sale of car dealership was 15 cars per week. After a promotional scheme the average sale increased to 21 cars per week. The percentage increased in the sale of cars was-

The average age of the mother and her six children is 12 years which is reduced by 5 years if the age of the mother is excluded. How old is the mother ?

The average age of the boys in a class is 16 years and that of the girls is 15 years. The average age for the whole class is-

Amount five people with monthly income (in Rs.) 15000, 26000, 16000, 19000, 50000, how many will have income less than the mean income of five people?

If the arithmetic mean of 0, 5, 4, 3 is a, that of -1, 0, 1, 5, 4, 3 is b and that of 5, 4, 3 is c, then the relation between a, b, and c is

In a family, the average age of a father and a mother is 35 years. The average age of the father, mother and their only son is 27 years. What is the age of the son?

Find the average of all the numbers between 6 and 34 which are divisible by 5 -

The mean of 25 observations was found to be 78.4. But later on it was found that 96 were misread as 69. The correct means is-

The average temperature for the first four days of a week is 40.2° C and that of the last four days is 41.3° C. If the average temperature for the whole 40.6°C, then the temperature on the fourth day is-

The average of five numbers is 306.4. The average of the first two numbers is 431 and the average of the last two numbers is 214.5. What is the third number?

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