The average age of 10 children is 9 years 9 months. The average of 9 children is 8 years 11 months. What is the age of the tenth child ?

The average weight of 20 students in a class is increased by 0.75 kg when one student of 35 kg replaced by a new student. Weight of the new student (in kg) is :

In a pre school, the average weight of 30 girls in a class among 50 students is 16 kg and that of the remaining students is 15.5 kg. What is the average weight of all the students in the class ?

Out of nine persons, 8 persons spent Rs. 30 each for their meals. The ninth one spent Rs. 20 more than the average expenditure of all the nine. The total money spent by all of them was :

A man had 7 children. When their average age was 12 years, a child aged 6 years died. Then average age of remaining six children is :

In a class, the average score of girls in an examination is 73 and that of boys is 71. The average score for the whole class is 71.8. Find the percentage of girls :

If the average of 6 consecutive even number is 25, the difference between the largest and the smallest number is :

The sum of three consecutive even numbers is 28 more than the average of these three number. Then the smallest of these number is -

A man purchased 7 bags of rice at the rate of Rs. 800 each, 8 bags of rice at Rs. 1000 each and 5 bags of rice at the rate of Rs. 1200 each. What is the average cost of one bag of rice ?

The average of 30 numbers is 40 and that of other 40 numbers is 30. The average of all the numbers is :

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