A cricketer whose bowling average is 24.85 runs per wickets, takes 5 wickets for 52 runs in next inning and thereby decreases his average by 0.85. The number of wickets taken by him till the last match was :

The average of n numbers x1, x2.....xn is $$\overline x $$ .Then the value of $$\sum\limits_{i\, = \,1}^n {} \left( {{x_i} - \overline x } \right)$$   is equal to -

A library has an average number of 510 visitors on sunday and 240 on other days. The average number of visitors per day in a month of 30 day beginning with sunday is -

There are two groups A and B of a class, consisting of 42 and 28 students respectively. If the average weight of group A is 25 kg and that of group B is 40 kg, find the average weight of the whole class.

The average of x numbers is y2 and the average of y numbers is x2. So, the average of all the numbers taken together is :

The arithmetic mean of the following numbers : 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6 and 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7 is -

The average weight of 15 students in a class increases by 1.5 kg when one of the students weighing 40 kg is replaced by a new student. What is the weight (in kg) of the new student ?

A cricketer has a mean score of 60 runs in 10 innings. Find out how many runs are to be scored in the eleventh innings to raise the mean score to 62 ?

Eight consecutive numbers are given. If the average of the two numbers that appear in the middle is 6, then the sum of the eight given numbers is :

The average temperature on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday was 41 degrees, and on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday was 40 degrees. If on Friday it was exactly 39 degrees, then what was the temperature on Tuesday?

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