The average of the first 100 positive integers is -

The average age of 11 players of a cricket team decreases by 2 months when two new players are included in the team replacing two players of age 17 years and 20 years. The average age of new players is :

The mean of 50 numbers is 30. Later it was discovered that two entries were wrongly entered as 82 and 13 instead of 28 and 31. Find the correct mean.

Average of n numbers is a. The first number is increased by 2, second one is increased by 4, the third one is increased by 8 and so on. The average of the new numbers is -

The average age of 30 boys in a class in 15 years. One boy, aged 20 years, left the class, but two new boys came in his place whose age differs by 5 years. If the average age of all the boys now in the class becomes 15 years, the age of the younger newcomer is :

The average of 8 numbers is 20. The average of first two numbers is $$15\frac{1}{2}$$ and that of the next three is $$21\frac{1}{3}$$ . If the sixth number be less than the seventh and eighth numbers by 4 and 7 respectively, them the eighth number is :

The average age of a class of 39 students is 15 years. If the age of the teacher is included, then the average increases by 3 months. Find the age of the teacher.

The mean of 9 observation is 16. One more observation is included and the new mean becomes 17. The 10th observation is :

The average weight of first 11 persons among 12 persons is 95 kg. The weight of 12th person is 33 kg more than the average weight of all the 12 persons. The weight of the 12th person is :

In the afternoon, a student read 100 pages at the rate of 60 pages per hour. In the evening, when she was tired, she read 100 more pages at the rate of 40 pages per hour. What was her average rate of reading the pages per hours ?

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