A student finds the average of 10, 2 digits numbers. If the digits of one of the numbers interchanged, the average increases by 3.6. The difference between the digits of the 2 digits number is :

The mean of 100 observations was calculated as 40. It was founder later on that one of the observation was misread as 83 instead of 53. The correct mean is :

Sachin Tendulkar has a certain average for 11 innings. In the 12th innings he scores 120 runs and thereby increases his average by 5 runs. His new average is :

The average age of husband and his wife was 23 years at the time of their marriage. After five tears they have a one-year old child. The average age of the family of three, when the child was born, was-

The present age of a father is 3 years more than three times the age of his son. Three years hence, father's age will be 10 years more than twice the age of the son. The father's age is :

The average (arithmetic mean) of 330, 360 and 390 is :

A set A consists of integers 27, 28, 30 and 33. If integer k is included in the set, the average of set A will increase by 30%. What is the value of integer k ?

The average age of 40 students of class is 18 years. When 20 new students are admitted to the same class, the average age of the students of the class is increased by 6 months. The average age of newly admitted students is ?

The mean weight of 34 students of a school is 42 kg. If the weight of the teacher be included, the mean rises by 400 grams. Find the weight of the teacher (in kg.)

Five years ago, the average age of P and Q was 25. The average age of P, Q and R today is 25. Age of R after 5 years will be :

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