A scored 73, 76, 20 and 7 runs in four out of five innings. What should be his score in fifth innings. If he has to make an average of 55 run in five innings.

Sonali applied for a job of Science teacher in a school. In the test for job, she scored 8 in Physics, 8 in Chemistry, 6 in Biology, and 6.5 in the interview. For calculating the final score, weightage of 2, 3, 3 and 4 were assigned to Physics, Chemistry, Biology and interview, respectively. What is the weighted average score of Sonali?

The average weight of A, B and C is 65 kg. If the average weight of C and B is 61.5 kg, and the average weight of A and C is 68.5 kg, then the weight of C (in kg) is:

The average of 5 consecutive odd numbers is 27. What is the product of the first and the last number?

The average age of a class of 6 girls is x years. Four new girls having ages x - 2, x + 2, x + 4 and x + 6 join the class. What is the new average age (in years) of the class?

Find the average of cubes of first 49 positive integers.

The average revenues of 7 consecutive years is Rs. 83 lakhs. The average of first 4 years is Rs. 78 lakhs and that of last 4 years is Rs. 90 lakhs, find the revenue for the 4th year.

The average of the marks of 25 students in a class, in an examination was calculated to be 19. Later, the teacher realized that the marks of two students were taken as 18 and 19 respectively, instead of 14 and 15. Find the new actual average marks of the class.

If the average of s number is r4 and the average of r numbers is s4, then find the average of all r + s numbers?

The average of 22 number is 52. The average of the first 8 numbers is 48 and the average of next 11 number is 54 the 20th number is 7 less than the 21st number and 21st number is 4 more than 22nd number. What is the average of the 20th and 22nd number?

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