What is the average of first 93 natural numbers?

The average score in Mathematics of 90 students of section A and B of class IX was 63. The number of student in A were 10 more that those in B. The average score of student in A was 30% more than that of students in B. The average score of students in B is:

What is the average of all natural numbers from 21 to 39?

If the average of 5 consecutive integers is x then, find the average of next to next 5 consecutive integers.

The average of 8 consecutive natural numbers is 38.5. What is the largest of these 8 numbers?

What is the average of all numbers between 11 and 80 which are divisible by 6?

The average age of 120 students in a group is 13.56 years. 35% of the number of students are girls and the rest are boys. If the ratio of the average age of boys and girls is 6 : 5, then what is the average age (in years) of the girls?

The ratio of the number of players in the three cricket teams A, B and C is 2 : 5 : 3. If the ratio of number of runs scored per player for each of the three teams A, B and C, is 30 : 17 : 25 respectively, then what is the average number of runs scored per player across all the three teams collectively?

The number of students in a class is 75, out of which $$33\frac{1}{3}\% $$  are boys and the rest are girls. The average score in mathematics of the boys is $$66\frac{2}{3}\% $$  more than that of the girls. If the average score of all the students is 66, then the average score of the girls is:

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