The average age of a family of 10 members is 20 years. If the age of the youngest member of the family is 10 years, then the average age of the members of the family just before the birth of the youngest member was approximately.

The average of thirteen numbers is 47. The average of the first three numbers is 39 and that of next seven numbers is 49. The 11th number is two times the 12th number and 12th number is 3 less than the 13th number. What is the average of 11th and 13th numbers?

The average of 7 consecutive odd number is A. If next 4 and previous 3 odd numbers to these 7 odd numbers are also included, then what is the new average of these 14 consecutive odd numbers?

The average of sixteen numbers is 48. The average of the first six of these numbers is 45 and that of the last seven numbers is 53. The seventh and the eighth numbers are, respectively, 3 and 7 greater than the ninth number. What is the average of the ninth and seventh numbers?

What is the average of all numbers between 8 and 74 which are divisible by 7?

Three numbers are such that if the average of any two of them is added to the third number, the sums obtained are 164, 158 and 132 respectively. What is the average of the original three numbers?

A man spends his three months income in four month time. If his monthly income is Rs. 1,000 then his annual savings is.

A factory buys 7 machines. 2 machine A, 2 Machine B and rest Machine C. Prices of the machines are Rs. 95000, Rs. 75000 and Rs. 43000 respectively. Calculate the average cost of these machines-

Average age of 7 students of a class is 28 years. Average age of first three students is 30 years. Age of fourth student is 4 years less than the age of fifth student. Ages of last two students is same and is 5 more than the average age of first three students. What is the average age of fourth and fifth student?

Ras Bihari, a plumber, earned on an average Rs. 925 per day in the month of January. He earned on an average Rs. 881 per day during the first 20 days and Rs. 915 per day during the last 20 days. What was his average income (in Rs.) per day from 12th January to 20th January?

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