Large, medium and small ships are used to bring water. 4 large ships carry as much water as 7 small ships, 3 medium ships carry the same amount of water as 2 large ships and 1 small ship. 15 large, 7 medium and 14 small ships, each made 36 journeys and brought a certain quantity of water. In how many journeys would 12 large, 14 medium and 21 small ships bring the same quantity ?

If 2 m, 60 cm cloths is required for one shirt, then the cloth required for 7 shirts is ?

The cost of 4 dozen papers is Rs. 24. The cost of 1 score of papers (in rupees) is ?

The cost of 8 fans and 14 ovens is Rs. 36520. What is the cost of 12 fans and 21 ovens ?

The cost of 5 kgs of apples is Rs. 450. The cost of 12 dozen mangoes is Rs. 4320 and the cost of 4 kgs of oranges is Rs. 240. What is the total cost of 8 kg of apples, 8 dozen of mangoes and 8 kg of oranges ?

The cost of 21 pencils and 9 clippers is Rs. 819. The cost price of 7 pencils and 3 clippers is = ?