What will be the simple interest on a sum of Rs. 12000 at the rate of 15% per annum of three years?

A sum amounts to Rs. 14,395.20 at 9.25% p.a. simple interest in 5.4 years. What will be the simple interest on the same sum at 8.6% p.a. in 4.5 years?

In how much time will the simple interest on a certain sum of money be $$\frac{6}{5}$$ times of the sum of 20% per annum?

A sum of Rs. 10 is lent by a child to his friend to be returned in 11 monthly instalment a of Rs. 1 each, the interest being simple. The rate of interest is:

A sum of money at simple interest amounts of Rs. 6,000 in 4 years and to Rs. 6,750 in 7 years at the same rate percent p.a. of interest. The sum (in Rs.) is:

Sum Rs. 20000 and Rs. 40000 are given on simple interest at the rate of 10% and 15% per annum respectively for three years. What will be the total simple interest?

A sum lent out at simple interest amounts to Rs. 6,076 in 1 year and Rs. 7,504 in 4 years. The sum and the rate of interest p.a. are respectively:

Find the simple interest on Rs. 2,700 for 8 months at 5 paisa per rupee per month?

A sum of Rs. 50,250 is divided into two parts such that he simple interest on the first part for $$7\frac{1}{2}$$ years at $$8\frac{1}{3}\% $$  p.a. $$\frac{5}{2}$$ is times the simple interest on the second part for $$5\frac{1}{4}$$ years at 8% p.a. What is the difference (in Rs.) between the two parts?

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