The number of prime factors in the expressions 64 × 86 × 108 × 1210 is:

x is five digit number. The digit in ten thousands place is 1. the number formed by its digits in units and ten places is divisible by 4. The sum of all the digits is divisible by 3. If 5 and 7 also divide x, then x will be.

A man sells chocolates which are in the boxes. Only either full box or half a box of chocolates can be purchased from him. A customer comes and buys half the number of boxes which the seller had plus half box more. A second customer comes and purchases half the remaining number of boxes plus half a box. After this the seller is left with no chocolate boxes. How many chocolate boxes the seller had initially?

If x + y + z = 0, then x3 + y3 + z3 is equal to :

To write all the page numbers of a book, exactly 136 times digit 1 has been used. Find the number of pages in the book.

Given, N = 98765432109876543210 ..... up to 1000 digits, find the smallest natural number n such that N + n is divisible by 11.

The remainder when 40 + 41 + 42 + 43 + ........ + 440 is divided by 17 is:

The remainder when 30 + 31 + 32 + 33 + . . . . . . . + 3200 is divided by 13 is:

The distance between the house of Rajan and Raman is 900 km and the house of former is at 100th milestone where as the house of Raman is at 1000th milestone. There are total 901 milestone at a regular interval of 1 km each. When you go to Raman's house from the house of Rajan which are on same highway, you will find that if the last digit (i.e. unit digit) of 3 digit number on every milestone is same as the first (i.e. hundreds digit) of the number on the next milestone is same, then these milestones must be red colour and rest will be of black. Total number of red colour milestone is:

Half way through the journey from Delhi to Lahore Atalji began to look out of the window of the Samjhauta Express and continued it until the distance which was remained to cover was half of what he has covered. Now at this time how much distance he has to cover?

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