5(x + 3) = 25(3x - 4), then find the value of x

Three numbers which are co-prime to one another are such that the product of the first two is 551 and that of last two is 1073. The sum of the three numbers is:

The sum and products of two numbers are 12 and 35 respectively. The sum of their reciprocals will be:

The HCF and LCM of two numbers are 44 and 264 respectively. If the first number is divided by 2, the quotient is 44. The other number is:

A teacher wants to arrange his students in an equal number of rows and columns. If there are 1369 students, the number of students in last row are:

Ram left $$\frac{1}{3}$$ of his property to his widow and $$\frac{3}{5}$$ of the remainder to his daughter. He gave the rest to his son who received Rs. 6,400. How much was his original property worth?

If x : y be the ratio of two whole numbers and z be their HCF, then the LCM of those two numbers is:

The sum of the digits of a two-digits numbers is 12 and when the digits of the to digit number are interchanged, the new number is 36 more than the original. What is the Original number?

A certain number of the capsule were purchased for Rs. 176. Six more capsule could have been purchased in the same amount if each capsule were cheaper by Rs. 3. What was the number of capsules purchased?

An even number can be expressed as the square of an integer as well as cube of another integer. Then the number has to be necessarily divisible by?

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