The sum of three numbers is 2, the 1st number is $$\frac{1}{2}$$ times the 2nd and the 3rd number is $$\frac{1}{4}$$ times the 2nd number. The 2nd number is :

If the product of two positive numbers be 1575 and their ration is 7 : 9, then the greatest number is :

A number when divided by 729 given a remainder of 56. What will we get as remainder if the same number is divided by 27 ?

Sum of two numbers is thrice their difference. Their ratio is :

A number when divided by the sum of 555 and 445 gives two times their difference as quotient and 30 as the remainder. The number is -

When simplified the product : $$\left( {2 - \frac{1}{3}} \right)$$ $$\left( {2 - \frac{3}{5}} \right)$$ $$\left( {2 - \frac{5}{7}} \right)$$  .....$$\left( {2 - \frac{{997}}{{999}}} \right)$$

The divisor is 25 times of the quotient and 5 times the remainder. If the quotient is 16, the dividend is-

A runner runs $$1\frac{1}{4}$$ laps of a 5 laps race. What laps of the race remains to be run ?

$$\frac{1}{{10}}$$ of a rod is coloured red, $$\frac{1}{{20}}$$ orange, $$\frac{1}{{30}}$$ yellow, $$\frac{1}{{40}}$$ green, $$\frac{1}{{50}}$$ blue, $$\frac{1}{{60}}$$ black and the rest is violet. If the length of the violet part of the rod is 12.08 mtr, then the length of the rod is -

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