The real number to be added to 13851 to get a number which is divisible by 87 is :

Among the following statements, the statement which is 'not correct' is :

Sum of three consecutive integers is 51. The middle one is -

The sum of 10 terms of the arithmetic series is 390. If the third term of the series is 19. Find the first term :

If p = - 0.12, q = - 0.01 and r = - 0.015, then the correct relationship among the three is :

The sum of squares of three positive integers is 323. If the sum of squares of two numbers is twice the third, their product is :

Each member of a club contributes as much rupees and as much paise as the number of members of the club. If the total contribution is Rs. 2525, then the number of members of the club is :

The sum of the cubes of two numbers in the ratio 3 : 4 is 5824. The sum of the numbers is :

The value of $$\left( {0.34\overline {67} + 0.13\overline {33} } \right)$$   is :

Arrange the following fraction in decreasing order : $$\frac{3}{5},$$ $$\frac{7}{9}$$ $$,\frac{{11}}{{13}}$$

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