The sum of two numbers is 75 and their difference is 25. The product of the two numbers is :

The reciprocals of the squares of the number $$1\frac{1}{2}$$ and $$1\frac{1}{3}$$ are in the ratio :

Which is the largest among the numbers : $$\root 3 \of 7 ,\root 4 \of {13} ,\sqrt 5 $$

When a number is divided by 5, the remainder is 3. What will be the remainder when sum of cube of that number and square of that number is divided by 5 ?

The simplified value of $$\frac{{\left( {0.0539 - 0.002} \right) \times 0.4 + 0.56 \times 0.07}}{{0.04 \times 0.25}}$$

A and B have together three times what B and C have, while A, B, C together have thirty rupees more than that of A. If B has 5 times that of C, then A has :

The number which can be written in the form of n (n + 1) (n + 2), where n is a natural number, is :

The difference of a number consisting of two digits from the number formed by interchanging the digits is always divisible by :

The unit digit in the product of 3 × 38 × 537 × 1256 is :

Find the square root of $$\frac{{\left( {0.064 - 0.008} \right)\left( {0.16 - 0.04} \right)}}{{\left( {0.016 + 0.08 + 0.04} \right){{\left( {0.4 + 0.2} \right)}^3}}}$$

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