If a = 7, b = 5, c = 3, then the value of a2 + b2 + c2 - ab - bc - ca is :

While writing all the numbers from 700 to 1000, how many numbers occur in which the first digits greater than the second digit, and the second digit is greater than the third digit ?

98th term of the infinite series 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, .... is :

If x and y are two digits of the number 653xy such that the number is divisible by 80, then x + y is equal to :

P and Q are two positive integers such that PQ = 64. Which of the following cannot be the value of P + Q = ?

How many numbers less than 1000 are multiple of both 10 and 13 ?

If (1012 + 25)2 - (1012 - 25)2 = 10n, then the value of n is :

Which of the following numbers is divisible by 3, 7, 9 and 11 ?

When a certain positive integer P is divided by another positive integer, the remainder is $${r_{1}}$$ . When a second positive integer Q is divided by the same integer, the remainder is $${r_{2}}$$ and when (P + Q) is divided by the same divisor, the remainder is $${r_{3}}$$ . Then the divisor may be :

For the integer n, if n3 is odd, then which of the following statements are true ?
I. n is odd
II. n2 is odd
III. n2 is even

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