Of the three numbers, the second is twice the first and is also thrice the third. If the average of these three numbers is 44, the largest number is -

A positive integer when divided by 425 gives a remainder 45. When the same number is divided by 17, the remainder will be :

The value of $${\text{0}}{\text{.}}\overline 2 + {\text{0}}{\text{.}}\overline 3 + {\text{0}}{\text{.}}\overline {32} $$     is :

$$0.\overline {142857} \div 0.\overline {285714} \,$$    is equal to :

A man read $$\frac{2}{5}$$ th of a book on the first day. He read $$\frac{1}{3}$$ rd more on second day than he read in the first day. 15 pages were left for the third day. The number of pages in the book is -

Unit digit of the number (22)23 is :

A number consists of two digits. If the number formed by interchange the digits is added to the original number, the resulting number (i.e., the sum) must be divisible by -

The unit digit in the sum of $${\left( {124} \right)^{372}}\,$$  $$ + \,{\left( {124} \right)^{373}}$$  = ?

The number of integers in between 100 and 600, which are divisible by 4 and 6 both, is :

Find the least number of five digits which is divisible by 333 ?

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