A man engaged a servant on the condition that he would pay him Rs. 90 and a turban after service of one year. He served only for nine months and received the turban and an amount of Rs. 65. The price of turban is:

How many composite numbers ae there from 53 to 97?

The sum of the odd divisors of 216 is:

What least value which should be added to 1812 to make it divisible 7, 11 and 14?

For any integral value of n, 32n + 9n + 5 when divided by 3 will leave the remainder

If a certain number of two digit is divided by the sum of its digits, the quotient is 6 and the remainder is 3. If the digits are reversed and the resulting number is divided by the sum of the digits, the quotient is 4 and the remainder is 9. The sum of the digits of the number is

Product of three consecutive odd numbers is 1287. What is the largest of the three numbers?

Arrangement of the fractions $$\frac{4}{3},\, - \frac{2}{9},\, - \frac{7}{8},\,\frac{5}{{12}}$$    into ascending order:

Let a, b and c be the fractions such that a < b < c. If c is divided by a, the result is $$\frac{5}{2}$$, which exceeds b by $$\frac{7}{4}$$. If a + b + c = $$1\frac{{11}}{{12}}$$ , then (c - a) will be equal to:

The sum of the digits of the least number which when divided by 36, 72, 80 and 88 leaves the remainders 16, 52, 60 and 68, respectively, is:

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