Let x = 224 and y = 322. If the highest common factor of 23x and a × y is divisible by x and y, then what can be the possible value of a?

The number 334 × 545 × 7p is divisible by 3340 then what is the minimum value of P?

Let, p, q, r and s be positive natural numbers having three exact factors including 1 and the number itself. If q > p and both are two-digit numbers, and r > s and both are one-digit numbers, then the value of the expression $$\frac{{p - q - 1}}{{r - s}}$$  is:

The sum of three consecutive natural numbers each divisible by 5, is 225. The largest among them is?

A six-digit number is divisible by 198. If the digits are rearranged, even then the number will be divisible by:

If A = $$\frac{{\sqrt {0.0004} \times \root 3 \of {0.000008} }}{{\root 4 \of {16000} \times \root 3 \of {125000} \times \root 4 \of {810} }}$$      and B = $$\frac{{\root 3 \of {0.729} \times \root 4 \of {0.0016} }}{{\sqrt {0.16} }},$$    what is A × B?

A boy added all natural numbers from 1 to 10, however he added one number twice due to which the sum becomes 58. What is the number which he added twice?

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